mandag den 8. oktober 2012

Design-based Research Method (DBR) port folio #1

During the course in Design-based Research Method (DBR) I am going to write a port folio where I reflect upon theories and methods used in relation to this design-method. This will be done in relation to tasks that I am working with during my internship.

The design that I am going to focus on during this course is the design of the web site. The problem that I am working with deals with the challenge of designing a single web site that appeals to various and very different target groups. These target groups are 1) mountainbikers and adventure holidays in general, 2) companies (course attendants), 3) families/normal guests and 4) disabled people (also using many of the offers available for the other target groups). The different target groups work very well together in praxis, but when it comes to marketing they have different information needs. The goal is to make the site appear as a whole where all the target groups are equally important. The problem is also defined by the fact that web communication and digital marketing has not been prioritized in the company so far. But the younger generation is about to take over and a graphic designer has been hired to change the entire appearance of the company: web site, brochures signs, merchandise and so forth.
In the design of the web site I am going to focus mainly on labelling in regards to the target groups. So far I am planning to use card sorting as at method to get a better understanding of the language that the different target groups are using. I am also going to focus on search optimization, which is also related to labelling, categorizing and defining headlines. 

In their article Design methodology and design practice (1999) Löwgren & Stolterman recommend to take a closer look at the problem definition before the design phase starts by using the why why why?-method. By using this method the design possibilities are broadened and more aspects are brought in to the design phase. Using the why why why?-method in relation to designing new labels for the web site could create the following why-chain:

Why testing the labels by using card sorting?
To get a better understanding of the user’s language
To make the language of the web site appeal to them
To make it easier for them to navigate on the web site
To make it easy for them to find the relevant content?
To make them wanting to visit the place.

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