tirsdag den 13. marts 2012

Playing in the sandbox

Today we kick-started the design phase with a little play in the sandbox – a tool we use in the design lab to generate ideas.  

Here is a little summary of what we talked about.

There are different where the app for Startvækst can be useful. For example when you are on the go or just have to check something quickly and don’t want to bother turn on your computer.

When a thought strokes your mind you can quickly find relevant information with the app and maybe get additional information sent to your email.

When you get a sudden idea - for example on a café talking to your friends - you can get information from the app.

There a two situations where the app can be useful: 1) when you get a sudden idea and have to get information about something or 2) when you have some time waiting on the train, the bus or for the wife to be ready to go, you can read the latest news or check when there is an event close to you. 

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